February 2022: Final Meeting at Autrans (Vercors)
- February 2:
- 14h30: Katarina Eichinger, Régularisation entropique des barycentres dans l’espace de Wasserstein, Slides
- 15h30: Andrea Natale, Geodesic extrapolations and a BDF2 scheme for Wasserstein gradient flows, Slides
- 17h00: Anna Korba, Sampling with kernelized wasserstein gradient flows, Slides
- 18h00: Bruno Levy, Transport optimal partiel pour un maillage Lagrangien à volume constant et à surface libre,
- February 3:
- 08h30: Guillaume Bonnet, Discrétisation monotone du second problème aux limites pour l’équation de Monge-Ampère, Slides
- 09h30: Gabriele Todeschi, Computation of optimal transport with finite volumes, Slides
- 11h00: Charles Dapogny, A mesh evolution method for shape and topology optimization, Slides
- 18h30: Yann Brenier, From Euler’s hydrodynamics to Einstein’s Gravitation through Monge’s optimal transport, Slides
- February 4:
November 2019: Meeting in Orsay
- November 20:
- 14h00-14h50 Paola Gori-Giorgi: Beyond the optimal transport limit of density functional theory: different strategies to reconstruct the effect of the kinetic correlation energy
- 15h50-15h40 Andrea Natale: Dynamical optimal transport for density reconstruction with mixed finite elements
- 16h15-17h10 Quentin Berthet: TBA
- 17h10-18h00 Giulia Luise: Regularity properties of Entropic Optimal Transport in applications to machine learning
- November 21:
- 9h00-9h50 Giovanni Conforti: Energy-Transport inequalities and applications
- 10h15-11h05 Silvio Fanzon: Optimal transport regularization for variational inverse problems
- 11h05-11h55 Clement Sarrazin: A lagrangian discretization for mean field games with congestion
- 14h00-15h00 Thierry Champion (ANEDP seminar): Relaxed multi-marginal costs in optimal transport and quantization effects
- 15h30-16h25 Hugo Leclerc: High Performance Computing of Power Diagrams for Optimal Transport
December 2018: Meeting in Nancy
- December 18:
- 12h30: déjeuner à la cantine du Loria
- 14h30-15h30: Guillaume Carlier: Equation d’Abreu pour la contrainte de convexité
- 16h-17h: Hugo Lavenant: Benamou-Brenier formulation for geodesics and harmonic mappings in the Wasserstein space: discretization and convergence
- 17h-18h: Gael Guennebaud: Instant Optimal Transport Maps on 2D Grids
- December 19:
- 9h-10h: Rémi Flamary: Optimal transport for machine learning: domain adaptation, fast approximation and structured data.
- 10h30-11h30: Bernhard Schmitzer: Semi-discrete unbalanced optimal transport and quantization
- 11h30-12h30: Federico Stra: Discrétisation lagrangienne de termes de congestion ou de diffusion
June 2018: Meeting in Liège
Members of the ANR met during the MMDA workshop, on optimal transport and statistics.
January 2018: Meeting at Inria Paris
- January 29:
- 14h: Jean-Michel Alimi, “Pourquoi et comment reconstruire l’Univers « invisible » ?”
- 15h: Bruno Levy, “Transport optimal numérique semi-discret à large échelle”
- 16h30: Jean-Pierre Vilotte, “Some new tentative perspectives of Optimal Transport in the context of seismology”
- 17H30: Vincent Duval, “A finite difference approach using minimal convex extensions for the resolution of the Monge-Ampère equation”
- January 30:
- 10h: Thomas Gallouet, TBA
- 11h: Francois Gay-Balmaz, “Towards a geometric variational discretization of compressible fluid dynamics”
June 2017: Meeting in Grenoble
- Thursday 1st:
- 10h30: Jocelyn Meyron, “Geometric methods for the conception of components in nonimaging optics”
- 11h: Ludovic Métivier, “Optimal transport distances for an inverse problem in seismic imaging: how to deal with signed measures?”
- 14h-17h: Discussions
- 17h: Jun Kitagawa, “Regularity of weak solutions to Monge-Amp{`e}re equations from geometric optics, and beyond.”
- 18h: Xavier Dupuis, “Semi-discrete principal-agent problem(s)”
- Friday 2nd:
- 9h-10h: Discussions
- 10h: Édouard Oudet, “Numerical approximation of Steiner trees”
- 11h: Jean-Marie Mirebeau, “Voronoi’s two reductions and their application to PDE”
December 2016: Meeting at Inria Paris/IHÉS
- December 6, 2016: Kick-off meeting at Inria Paris
- December 7, 2016: Journée transport optimal, équation de Monge-Ampère et applications at IHÉS